Bryony Doran
September 2017

When coaching, I like to work with a writer on issues around their writing in an intuitive, non-directional, non-judgmental way, in order to enable them to reflect, articulate, explore and define their potential and the possibilities available to them.
With coaching I help the writer with such issues as:
Attaining goals
Moving forward
I find that what often happens is that a writer will come to me for coaching and then, once they have sorted out what issues were stopping them from writing, we will move on to looking at their work and the mentoring role begins.
Before the start of the process, the writer is asked to fill out a pre- session form. (Please click on the link below to download the form). Completing this form helps the writer to evaluate their goals, and allows me to have some insight into their needs prior to our meeting.
Professional Background
After graduating in 2004 from Sheffield Hallam University with a MA in Writing, I began to work with other writers. Initially I did it to help friends but found that I loved doing it so much that I decided to get some coaching qualifications. (I already had a certificate in counselling and a practitioner qualification in NLP).
In 2007 I began a coaching course run by Literature Training to offer PDP sessions (Personal Development Plans) for writers. After the course I went on to do further coaching training, during which time I worked extensively with writers.
In 2008, as part of the Off The Shelf Literary Festival, I ran a series of PDP coaching sessions with fellow writer and coach Kate Thompson.
I then went onto work with Writing Yorkshire, coaching and mentoring selected writers.