Bryony Doran
September 2017

During the mentoring process I guide and advise a writer on their work, taking care not to affect or influence the integrity of the writer's own unique voice.
Some of the areas we will explore are:
Structure and plot
Narrative drive
Writing techniques
Writing exercises
Potential markets
The length of the mentoring relationship, the structure and the input required, is up to the writer.
Whilst on a structured writing course, writers have a framework to work within: deadlines to meet and constant feedback. However, on completion of their course they often feel somewhat cast adrift. How can a writer continue to be motivated if they have no firm deadlines? My coaching & mentoring service aims to offer writers a continuing structure to support their work.
Getting Published
Writers often ruin their chance of getting published by sending manuscripts out to agents before their work is ready, using up all the available agents in the first round. Even if you think your work is ready, it is far better to get a second opinion on your manuscript, and advice on presentation and layout. If an agent or publisher sees a well-presented piece of work they will be far more likely to read it and respond.
I want to offer writers the opportunity to have their work read, where they can be confident that the feedback they receive will be honest and constructive. I will respect the writer’s ownership and voice. Whatever advice and support I may give, they own their work, and the final decision about any aspect of their writing remains with them.
Before the start of the process, the writer is asked to fill out a pre- session form. (Please click on the link below to contact me about a pre-session form). Completing this form helps the writer to evaluate their goals, and allows me to have some insight into their needs prior to our meeting.
For details on my professional background please see the coaching page.